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Starting at a very early age, Edoardo Maria Maggiolo demonstrated a natural preference for all that can be expressed through creativity.

Although quite young, Edoardo  was born in 1993, his experience already  includes  participation in many fairs and expositions.

Edoardo has always shown a passionate dedication to the process of designing clothes and fashionable accessories.  In this he makes wise use of natural methods and alternative materials.

His passion for the creation of designs for women’s clothes led him to begin his working carrier in this field immediately after graduating from the High School of the Arts.

His love for decontextualizing materials with which he works leads him to the development of theme based arrangements and collections.

His designs are inspired by his creative recycling philosophy resulting in eco-chic products.



 ” La creatività è contagiosa. Trasmettila”

          Albert Einstein

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